Клоп: Доволен съм от играта ни
Н. Гавазов
Мениджърът на Ливърпул Юрген Клоп сподели мнение за срещата с Аугсбург от 1/16-финалите на Лига Европа, която завърши при резултат 0:0.
"Честно казано, резултатът не е лош като за гостуване от мач на Лига Европа. Що се отнася до нивото на играта ни, имахме няколко опасни положения за гол, които можехме да конвертираме в голове. Но като цяло аз съм доволен от нашата игра. Сега работим над това да покажем игра без спадове и провали, но пред нас има още много, което трябва да се направи", заяви Клоп.
"We didn't really get our pressing game going, we didn't get into our rhythm and failed to impose ourselves in midfield.
"There were a lot of things we could have done better."
"Doing the right thing at the right moment is important - we had a few good moments and in the second half we had three or four really good moves. My problem is that I think, with our quality, we should do better, but I have to be patient.
"It's not too easy to find the right words. I could say it's a draw, 0-0 away game, everything is 'Okay, we can win at home, everything's cool', but in our situation I'm always interested in the performance."
"A strong team in second leg? Yes, I think so. Maybe it's a different team, but we should not think too much about the final," he added.
"I will not ignore it (the final) of course but it doesn't complicate my plans. We should be concentrated Thursday and Sunday will take care of itself.
"The players didn't underestimate Augsburg, when we play in the return we will be very well prepared - they may not be Munich or Paris, but we will be very well prepared.
"We need to improve on things. We have a big final ahead of us."
Никъде не видях ,че Клоп е доволен от показаното от Ливърпул.