Спалети: Меси може да направи разликата, но не и Икарди
Старши-треньорът на Интер Лучано Спалети, коментирайки резултата от мача от 29-ия кръг на Серия А с Лацио (0: 1), сподели мнението си за ситуацията с нападателя Мауро Икарди, който е извън терените почти два месеца.
"Икарди трябва да играе. Ако той продължава да се държи по същия начин, както и в последно време, може да започне да попада в състава. Хората казват, че сме загубили без Икарди. Интер от много години не попада в Шампионска лига с Икарди. Интер е губил с по-голям резултат с Икарди, отколкото в мача с Лацио.
Лионел Меси прави разлика, но не и Икарди, с цялото му уважение към него. Професионализмът и самоуважението са всичко. Дисциплината е основно нещо", заяви Спалети.
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Николай Стоянов Гавазов е роден на 16 август 1967г. в град Пловдив. Завърша висшето си образование във Велико Търново, специалност история и педагогика, а по-късно учи психология. Започва като журналист по политически теми, работил е за вестник „Нов Живот”, както и за няколко сайта. От 2008 г. се отдава на футбола. [...]
“I know what my job is. As things stand today, for the way he behaved, he has to stay out and the others have to play. It is clear for everyone to see what happened and how events unfolded.
“I think he could’ve played 20-30 minutes, even half a game, but that’s not the point. Those who are in the locker room need to play. You need to have credibility in a group. I have had credibility for 22 years in my career, I have credibility with my players.
“It’s obvious for everyone to see what happened. It’s obvious.”
Spalletti then referred to Paolo Nicoletti, the lawyer who has been acting as the intermediary between Icardi and the club to ‘negotiate’ his return to training after the ‘injury’ that has kept him out since February 13, coincidentally the same day that he was stripped of the captaincy.
“This mediation is humiliating for Inter fans and for those who love Inter. The need to mediate with someone just to get him to pull on the shirt that they love. It’s humiliating.
“Negotiating with someone just to get him to pull on the Inter shirt. What, do I need to email 20 lawyers and ask them if I can call someone up?
“Icardi needs a game out. If he continues to behave the way he has done recently, then he can start to come back in. People say we lost games without Icardi. Inter didn’t get into the Champions League for years with Icardi. Inter lost worse games than this with Icardi.
“Lionel Messi makes the difference, not Icardi, with all due respect. Professionalism and self-respect are everything. Discipline is everything.
“I’ve left players out for far less in my time. You must have respect and behave in the locker room. The Coach must be credible and recognised as someone who will do the right thing.
“Let’s find an Inter fan and ask him – we’d have to go outside for that, mind you! – and ask him if he likes a player negotiating to pull on the Inter shirt.”
Spalletti had already dropped many hints that Icardi's behaviour was an issue, as a couple of weeks ago the player was given the all-clear to resume training by club doctors, but replied: "No, I still feel pain. I'll tell you when I am ready to play."
Ето го цялото изказване на Спалети след мача вчера. Ще е интересно какво ще стане с Икарди през лятото, защото с поведението си и това на Нара ще е доста трудно да се намери топ отбор,готов да вземе аржентинеца.